Insane in the membrane!

Insane in the membrane!

Insane in the membrane! The development of analytical methods employing biosensors has observed a significant growth in recent years. Immunosensors, a class of biosensor that consists of a bioreceptor and transducer, are widely used and are particularly important for...

A Sticky Situation – The Use of Adhesive Tapes in Diagnostic Tests

A Sticky Situation – The Use of Adhesive Tapes in Diagnostic Tests Point-of-care (POC) diagnostics are a rapidly growing technology allowing for the effective and efficient delivery of healthcare. The demand for faster analyses and results have led to the...
Go with the flow!

Go with the flow!

Go with the flow! The field of point-of-care (POC) diagnostics offers the enticing possibility of providing rapid diagnostic results in non-laboratory settings, and screen-printing provides a highly capable sensor as the portable detector for this technology.  ...
Wearing it Well

Wearing it Well

Wearing it Well The area of wearables is a rapidly growing market, and it covers a wide range of technologies… but is essentially a smart electronic device that is incorporated into clothing, or accessories, or worn directly on the skin. The Apple Watch has two FDA...